The language of light can only be decoded by the heart.

-Suzy Kassem

What is light language?

Light language is a cosmic language that comprises light, sound frequency, sacred geometry, and cosmic information. It is transmitted as tones and sounds through me, the channeler, while other times ancient non-Earth languages have also come through. Although it may seem innocuous in its delivery, however, the light codes are an extremely powerful force in shifting energy and in helping you release what no longer serves you.

Why use light language for healing?

Light language is an effective way of healing because it removes the ego mind from the healing process. As the light codes are transmitted via tones and sounds, and no words are actually spoken by the channeler, the light codes bypass the analytical mind and go directly to your heart and soul. Your soul understands what is being said in the light codes and your soul will receive and process the wisdom that is being conveyed in the highest and most appropriate way for your healing.

What people are saying

A woman with light brown hair in a purple sleeveless dress with a brown hat smiling and dancing in a wheat field feeling happy radiant joyful

Rena V.

“First, Priscilla's presence as an individual and healer feels very natural and comfortable, so while I was open but uncertain what to expect, she provided an overview and answered any questions that I had prior.

And then, when the light language came through her channel, it was such a beautiful experience. I absolutely felt sensations energetically and even physically wash over me, but more so the wisdom in the language felt so familiar to me and such a deep "remembering" that tears came to my eyes.

After the wave of sensation passed and Priscilla and I were able to visit afterwards to share our experiences of it, I began to feel such a lightness throughout the remainder of the day.

I definitely am recommending and referring anyone open to experiencing light language to Priscilla to be able to experience it for themselves. Thank you for bringing your gifts to the world, Priscilla!”

a woman with black hair laughing seated in a field filled with orange flowers she is looking at the sky and laughing in delight

Willow P.

“To be honest, I had no idea what channeling light language meant but I was curious so I signed up for a session. I appreciated that Priscilla let me know what to expect at the outset of the appointment. As the session began, it felt foreign to hear Priscilla channeling "non-earth languages" since I've never experienced this before. But then, I decided to just lean into the strangeness and see what happened next.

After the session, I felt tired and ready to sleep. I thought that was a good sign since I often have trouble winding down. Priscilla sent me a recording of the session, and I'm planning to listen when my intuition tells me to. I appreciated this new experience.”

Experience light language codes for your healing

Woman dressed in a blue top and black pants seated on top of a sand in a desert

Schedule a 15-minute light language healing session for $11.00.

You will set your intention for healing and experience channeled light codes specially for you.