Refund Policy

This refund policy applies to all of Pristine Soul Healing’s services, classes, workshops, and products.

Distance Energy Healing Sessions:

A written request to reschedule or cancel an appointment needs to be made at least 48 hours prior to your scheduled appointment. A written request for a refund made at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled appointment will be refunded minus a 10% processing fee.

To start the refund process, please email Upon receipt of your email, the refund process will commence. Approved refunds will be credited back to you via the original payment method and in United States dollars, within five to seven business days of the refund request.

Please note that a request for rescheduling and/or cancellation of an appointment, as well as a request for a refund made less than 48 hours prior to the scheduled appointment will not be processed.

If a client cancels the appointment less than 48 hours prior to the scheduled appointment, client is not eligible for a refund.

This applies to the following services:

  • Distance Light Body Activation

  • Distance Reiki for Individuals and Couples

  • Distance Animal Reiki

  • Distance Emotional Release Healing Session

Light Language Healing Sessions:

If you need to reschedule your light language healing session, please do so at least 48 hours prior to your scheduled appointment. All sales are final. There will be no refunds for appointments canceled by client.

Pre-Podcast and Podcast Appointments:

If you need to reschedule or cancel your pre-podcast and/or podcast appointment, please give at least 48 hours advance notice. If you are more than 10 minutes late to your appointment, you will be considered as a no-show. No-shows will forfeit their opportunity to schedule a future podcast-related appointment and/or participate in the podcast.

One-On-One Life Coaching Sessions:

A written request to reschedule a coaching appointment needs to be made at least 48 hours prior to your scheduled appointment.

A written request to terminate participation in a one-on-one coaching program, as well as a written request for a refund needs to be made at least fourteen (14) days in advance. A request for a refund that adheres to the minimum of fourteen (14) days advance notice will be refunded on any remaining prepaid coaching sessions, minus a 10% processing fee.

A request for a refund made less than fourteen (14) days in advance will not be processed.

To start the refund process, please email Upon receipt of your email, the refund process will commence. Approved refunds will be credited back to you via the original payment method and in United States dollars, within five to seven business days of the refund request.

If a coaching client agreed to participate in a coaching appointment, but then failed to show up for the agreed upon appointment, no replacement session will be provided. A client will be deemed a no-show if client is more than 10 minutes late to an agreed-upon appointment.

If a client was a no-show for two scheduled appointments in a row without contacting the coach or giving advance notice to the coach, then the coach will take these two no-shows to mean that the client has chosen to terminate the coaching relationship without giving notice. No refund will be paid to the client in this case.

Short-Term Classes or Workshops:

A written request to reschedule or cancel your class attendance needs to be made at least fourteen (14) days prior to the scheduled class commencement date. A written request for a refund made at least fourteen (14) days prior to the scheduled class commencement date will be refunded minus a 10% processing fee.

Please note that a request to reschedule and/or cancel a scheduled class attendance, or a request for a refund made less than fourteen (14) days prior to the scheduled class commencement date will not be processed.

To start the refund process, please email Upon receipt of your email, the refund process will commence. Approved refunds will be credited back to you via the original payment method and in United States dollars, within five to seven business days of the refund request.


If a client is more than 10 minutes late to scheduled appointment, the client will be considered as a no-show. All no-show clients will not be eligible to request a refund. This applies to all clients who have purchased any of Pristine Soul Healing’s healing or coaching services, classes, and/or workshops.

Purchase of Digital Downloads:

Since digital downloads are delivered immediately to your email address upon purchase; exchanges, cancellations, and refunds cannot be provided.

Please note the digital downloads will not be replaced due to a future loss, computer failure, or transition to a new electronic device.

Contact Information:

If you have any questions, please email

By utilizing Pristine Soul Healing’s website and the services, classes, products, and digital downloads provided on it, you agree to this Refund Policy.