Redefining Masculinity Through Vulnerability and Self-Discovery | With Davidson Hang

I think the trending - especially men of color are definitely opening up more. I was just at a retreat last weekend - so less than five days ago - a men’s retreat.

It was just amazing to see us, men, staring into each other’s eyes, holding hands and sharing like, ‘Hey, what do you do?’ And the prompts were like, ‘What are you most ashamed of? What do you not want the other person sitting across from you to know about you?’

And we were able to observe each other’s hands and just speak like, ‘What assumptions do I have based on just reading your hand and looking at your calluses?’ So it was just really cool to have that intimacy with another man.
— Davidson Hang

Loving Your Inner Child To Healing | With Lindsay Morlock


A Mother’s Struggle To Cope With A Child In Active Addiction | With Donna Marston