Meet Embodiment Expert Nancy Parker

“It is important to have healthy boundaries for yourself as well as effectively manage expectations others have on your energy, time and availability.”

Nancy Parker


Okay, let’s get started on the interview!

Tell us who you are in 50 words or less.

I am an embodiment expert, catalyst and muse. Born to move with a love for adventure, I have a passion for bringing people together to go playfully deep.

How and why did you start your business?

As a highly sensitive person (HSP) I struggled to find ways to stay in healthy connection with others while staying resourced and grounded in my body.

I felt lost and alone, doctors couldn’t help because I was not sick enough to be diagnosed with a ‘disease’ or in pain enough to need surgery.

Relationships were a struggle because I was constantly dancing between over-giving and people pleasing, to burn out and disconnection.

Cultivating foundational health and core integrity through by connecting to my own embodied wisdom was a game changer. Through that process of healing, I attracted other highly sensitive women, and men stuck in their heads, needing the tools I collected to heal.

What services do you offer in your business?

My Aligned Membership weekly classes and offerings align the body and strengthen foundation health and core integrity.

ReSourced Energy Mastery Program helps highly sensitive women navigate healthy connection to their body, emotions and energy, to improve relationships on all levels.

Core Intelligence Coaching - weaves it all together - the physical body alignment and strength, with the mental, emotional and energetic alignment, for all those who are ready for the full system upgrade.

What makes your business or services unique?

My work offers integration of the mind with the body and emotions. I teach others to find their “Heart Yes” and integrate that with the wisdom of the body and the intellect of the mind to deepen connection and create radiant health.

Connecting with myself amidst the beauty and power of the ocean.

Having a functional website is an important aspect of running a business. How was the process for you to get your website up and running? For example: Did you create it on your own or did you hire a web designer? Which platform is your website hosted on?

So far, I have had four main websites. Starting in 2003, my first two sites, Naturally Balanced, and then Balanced Wellness, I built myself.

When I integrated my work into InBody Wisdom in 2015, I had a friend who was a web designer help me build it.

The latest iteration of InBody Wisdom that was birthed in Spring of 2024, I hired a professional web designer to create. It is built on WordPress.

What resources are you finding helpful in your business right now? a tool that automatically generates short form videos from long form content for posting to social media.

SCORE:  A small business support, mentors, workshops and events, much of it is free.

ChatGPT, although I am still figuring out how to truly leverage this one, I’m a bit behind the curve it seems.

What is the one thing you wished you had known before starting your entrepreneurial journey?

How to better vet contractors and hired help so as not to waste time and money. Also how to manage them more effectively.

Tell us about a time when life threw you a serious curveball in your business and what you did to overcome that curveball?

The most recent one was at the end of 2023. I had just invested in branding and building the new website when I received news that my Dad’s health had suddenly deteriorated.

In the past I would have allowed the immensity of that to throw me completely off course and siphon all of my creative energy and drive to anything else. Instead, I was able to use my tools to stay resourced, while also being there to be of support as he transitioned.

Giving time and space for what is truly precious, while also honoring self and continuing to moving forward on my project, albeit more slowly than originally planned.

How have you grown personally from becoming an entrepreneur?

As an introvert and empath, I really had to build my muscles of networking and socializing, as well as LEARNING TO HONOR MYSELF when I was saturated or full.

Having the mastery to honor my lack of bandwidth, and resource my energy, while also effectively communicating with others so as to build relationship and maintain connection, has been a muscle built over time.

What one misconception about the entrepreneurial journey would you like to clarify for us today?

I can often find I work more hours than when I was showing up for a 9-5p. Also referencing the above question about the curveball… SOME THINGS ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN DEADLINES.

What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about starting their own business?

It is important to have HEALTHY BOUNDARIES FOR YOURSELF as well as effectively manage expectations others have on your energy, time and availability.

What are some fun facts you would like to share about yourself?

As a child, I was so shy I would hide behind my parents’ legs. As an adult I would hide or leave events if we were all taking turns speaking. I went from that to leading circles, teaching groups, and facilitating transformational events.

In spite of being from sunny places, and not even seeing snow for the first time until I was 25, I love to snowboard and am quite skilled at it.

What is one thing you’re grateful for right now?

Coherent communities as crucibles of creation (and alliteration ;)

What are you looking forward to in the next month?

Facilitating a Sacred Play Retreat for Autumn.


About the author:
Priscilla Hanley is the founder of Pristine Soul Healing LLC. She empowers women entrepreneurs by providing solutions to their business through strategic web design with Squarespace. She also serves the collective through 1:1 coaching and energy healing. Priscilla is the host of the Resiliency of the Human Spirit
Podcast which focuses on the power of resilience and healing in the human journey. Click here to connect with Priscilla.


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