Meet Hand Analyst and Breathwork Healer Lindsay Morlock

“If you aren’t holding a vision of balance in tandem with the vision of all your aspirations, you’ll find yourself dancing with burnout.”

Lindsay Morlock


Okay, let’s get started on the interview!

Tell us who you are in 50 words or less.

I am a spiritual being having a human experience, learning how to shatter society’s expectations of who others think I should be to create, instead, a life that reflects the authentic me.

I’m living a life on my own terms and teach others how to heal the wounds of their past so they, too, can create a different future.

How and why did you start your business?

My business started as a side hustle reading hands, which I became certified in following my own hand reading and how empowered I felt following my session. I did this for about ten years before I started to believe that I could actually make a living doing what I love. 

While I always had a dream to one day be able to leave the “security” of a salaried job to work for myself, as a single woman with no other source of income or health insurance it always felt like a pipe dream.  But time and again I’d find myself longing to wake up feeling excited about my life. My life, from the outside looking in, was a good one, but it didn’t feel good to me. I spent six years in therapy trying to heal my binge-eating disorder and looking for a feeling of lasting happiness and while it certainly helped, the effects of it never lasted for very long.

On a spiritual retreat in Sedona, I realized that the missing piece of the puzzle was my spiritual connection. That was the missing link that tipped the scales and moved me to a place of sustainable happiness.

As I moved through my own healing journey and began to dive into various healing modalities in support of my own healing and evolution, I felt so passionate about how my own life was changing I decided, in conjunction with the guidance of my own Spiritual Support Team, that it was time (and safe) to finally make the leap. 

My entire life has changed as a result of my willingness to prioritize my own healing and my business was subsequently built as a result of my passion to show others that they don’t have to settle for a lackluster life.

Chillin’ out in Arizona.

I love connecting with the majestic beauty of Mother Nature.

What services do you offer in your business?

  • The Divine Family Coaching Program

  • Breathwork For Emotional Release

  • Hand Analysis Readings

  • Creating Peace Through Prose

  • Intuitive Guidance Readings

  • Crystal Bed Healing

What makes your business or services unique?

ME! All practitioners have a unique healing journey because we have all entered into this lifetime have contracted to learn different lessons. Many healers do similar things, but as is true for all practitioners, our intuitive gifts come through in different ways and our individual life experiences are always used to help others grow and evolve.

For me, my life experiences revolved around finding a sense of self-worthiness in all relationships: relationships with people, with money, with my life, and most importantly - with my SELF. 

And in the quest to find my own sense of worthiness, I needed to learn that I was worth creating a life I loved. While I had a good life, it wasn’t one that brought me joy. I was hiding who I truly was to live out what I thought was expected of me instead of what truly made me happy. So, I eventually decided to give it all up in pursuit of a more authentic life. My definition of success required me to dismantle many limiting belief systems in order to create a life that FELT good to me, instead of one that LOOKED good to others.

After spending years avoiding uncomfortable or painful emotions, navigating binge-eating disorder as a way to numb myself from my feelings, I learned how to reconnect with my heart, disentangle myself from my Ego mind and reconnect with my heart. I now teach others how to do the same!

Every single modality I offer to others is something I personally utilize on my own journey. It’s important to me that I walk my own talk. I teach what I most need to learn so everything I offer to my clients is something I can personally attest to the power of.

Having a functional website is an important aspect of running a business. How was the process for you to get your website up and running? For example: Did you create it on your own or did you hire a web designer? Which platform is your website hosted on?

My website is hosted on WordPress. A designer was referred to me by a friend because it was important to me to find someone who understood my line of work and my vision for my site.

The website creation process – from the copy that needs to be developed to the technical aspects of the process – there is a lot involved so I was grateful to have someone who could do the technical aspects of the job so I could focus on my messaging. 

What resources are you finding helpful in your business right now?

Canva is an absolute staple in my business.

I’m finding that there are many people willing to “exchange” services with you which is a great option when you are starting up and can create mutually beneficial relationships that have legs that extend beyond those individuals.

I’m also really benefitting from some of the support from artificial intelligence (AI) built into things like Canva and podcasting platforms. While I’ll never rely on AI to craft my voice, it can be an incredible tool to make your life more efficient where I can stay in my own integrity in the process.

Finally, I can’t underestimate the power of networking and being together with people who are on a similar journey. People in standard jobs don’t fully understand the life of an entrepreneur – from the risks we take, to how we manage money, to how we create our days.

There will be plenty of people who try to tell you why what you want to do won’t or can’t work so it’s important to surround yourself with like-minded people who can celebrate your achievements and build you up!

What is the one thing you wished you had known before starting your entrepreneurial journey?

If you aren’t holding a vision of balance in tandem with the vision of all your aspirations, you’ll find yourself dancing with burnout.

Tell us about a time when life threw you a serious curveball in your business and what you did to overcome that curveball?

I was Chief Operating Officer in the corporate world prior to starting my own business. Interesting, I felt confident in how to build and run a business in a traditional hustle culture, but that was not the kind of business I wanted to build or lifestyle I wanted to have. So when I started my business, I ended up having to throw everything I knew about how to build or run a business out the window in search for how to build a business in partnership with the Spirit world. And let me tell you – it looks WAY different than what I was used to.

In my corporate job, we were driven by metrics, revenue and measurable results.  But when you’re building a spiritual business, utilizing the power of co-creation, revenue stats and the number of clients you have and your marketing plan aren’t exactly high on Spirit’s priority list. Don’t get my wrong, my needs were always taken care of, but my healing is what became the priority and my business “success” would eventually become a function of my personal healing. 

This was a challenge for me because I constantly felt pulled between where I wanted to go and my old ways. At one point in time, it became so overwhelming and such a crisis of consciousness, I felt paralyzed to move forward. I had so many ideas of things I could create, but felt unsure of where to focus. I spent more time thinking about what would be successful, rather than feeling into what felt fun to create. And while on the surface this may not feel like that big of a deal, I felt paralyzed to take action, to move forward, which resulted in less than ideal revenues streams and clients. It left me feeling like a failure. It left me doubting myself and questioning whether this was truly the right path. In many ways a corporate job wasn’t what I wanted, but the known felt easier than the unknown.


They were asking me to heal, to grow and to evolve and I was completely supported in all ways while I moved through these lessons. And now in hindsight, I can truly see how important it was for me to move through this divinely guided process in the exact way I did because it created a new foundation from which I am now building a thriving business. One in which I’m enjoying the journey as much as I enjoy the fruits of my labor. 

It's only given the benefit of hindsight that I can now see that Spirit gave me time to detoxify from my former life, to relax, to recharge and regroup.


But this is what our minds do to us, our minds create fantasies and scripts about how things will unfold and how they should look and when reality doesn’t meet our expectations, we feel disappointment and failure. 

These journeys often don’t happen the way our mind scripts them, but when we are attached to the way something needs to look or don’t truly understand our own values and definitions of success, we can spend a lot of time feeling like we are failing, despite the fact that our lives are actually getting better and better and better. Our perspective is everything, but when reality does not match our expectations, it can often leave us feeling less than or unworthy, none of which is true.

So moving through to the other side of this, I am now learning that there is a Divine Blueprint guiding our lives and we just need to trust the process – even the parts that maybe don’t feel as great. That said, our perspective through it all truly dictates how much we choose to suffer (or not) along the way.

How have you grown personally from becoming an entrepreneur?

Being an entrepreneur is the greatest and most accelerated healing journey I’ve ever embarked upon!

I think this is what being an entrepreneur is all about – being bold, being different and creating a business that reflects your most authentic self.  There are always people who will have opinions about what services you should offer, how you should market, what you need to change, or what niche you should focus on. There is constant noise and chatter from social media that can create endless “comparisonitis.”

This journey has taught me how important it is to sift through all the noise, stay connected to my SELF and my own heart and allow that to guide me forward. This journey has also helped me to get comfortable sharing my most authentic self. 

A hand analysis session.

What one misconception about the entrepreneurial journey would you like to clarify for us today?

We often think that having a traditional job is “safer” than being an entrepreneur, but I would challenge that. Your safety lies within you, not in the hands of other people.

I spent years fearing leaving the corporate world because I was a single woman and questioning how I would fare without predictable income, without good health insurances, without a 401K. At the times, those were very real concerns that were keeping me from living the life I wanted to live.

Now that I’m on the other side of that I can almost laugh at myself. It’s true that my income is unpredictable, but I’ve come to learn that my needs are always met. There are self-employed pension funds that I created for myself and I’m still fully insured if something happens. So, all of my worries were for naught because none of them were actually an issue.

You might feel a lot of worry stepping into the unknown, but I’m learning most of our worries are just that – thoughts and fantasies about worst case scenarios that don’t actually come true. 

What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about starting their own business?

If you’re someone who tends to suffer from “starving artist” syndrome, don’t assume that moving into your own business is going to be a negative reversal financially. On a practical level, I’ve been amazed at how differently our finances work when you work for yourself versus when you bring home a salary.

On another level, our beliefs are powerful and the more we align ourselves with what we want to create and experience the more we create the things we do want.  However, when we are really identified with our fears, we tend to create that too.



AND, it’s important to remember “this too shall pass.”  There are some challenging moments as an entrepreneur and when we are in the thick of it, it can feel like our current circumstances are going to be our reality forever.  Everything changes – it’s important to remember that!

What are some fun facts you would like to share about yourself?

I created a tradition at my undergraduate institution where students recreate Abraham Lincoln’s famous walk to the cemetery where he delivered the Gettysburg Address. 

I love to hike and be outdoors.  I currently am cultivating my first vegetable garden. It’s an adventure to say the least.

When I win the lottery the first person I will hire is a personal chef because cooking is not a passion or a forte. Baking on the other hand….

I may be in my forties, but I still love a good teenie-bopper movie on Netflix!

I’m in the process of writing a memoir.

What is one thing you’re grateful for right now?

How supported I have been through this transition on all levels, emotionally, spiritually, physically and mentally.

What are you looking forward to in the next month?

I’m in creation mode in my business right now and have many projects in progress that I’m excited to be working on. It feels like an exciting time of seeds that have been planted, now slowly starting to germinate and I’m enjoying the journey of creating it all!


About the author:
Priscilla Hanley is the founder of Pristine Soul Healing LLC. She empowers women entrepreneurs by providing solutions to their business through strategic web design with Squarespace. She also serves the collective through 1:1 coaching and energy healing. Priscilla is the host of the Resiliency of the Human Spirit
Podcast which focuses on the power of resilience and healing in the human journey. Click here to connect with Priscilla.


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