Meet Spiritual Dating Coach Jennifer Youngquist

“You either get the result you want or the lessons you need.”

Jennifer Youngquist


Okay, let’s get started on the interview!

Tell us who you are in 50 words or less.

I’m a heart-centered, intuitive, spiritual person who has studied many modalities of healing. My ‘superpower’ is to spot patterns that others are not aware of.

I’m a spiritual dating coach who helps women, 40 and over, break the patterns that are keeping them from finding their soulmate partner. 

How and why did you start your business?

I started my business as a way to help a friend that had a lot of self-sabotaging patterning. I wanted to be able to really help so I enrolled in a coaching certification. Of course that showed me how powerful coaching could really be.

At the time, I was looking for a way to be a healer. I had studied energy medicine, shamanism, yoga and hadn’t really really found my ‘thing’ until I got certified as a coach. 

What services do you offer in your business?

I focus on helping women who are 40+ and want to find their soulmate partner but that has really eluded them and they aren’t sure why.

In our work together, we really dive into all the things that are preventing them from finding what they seek. We do the work to shift that energy dynamic and I help support them in their dating journey, specifically by helping them overcome any resistance that comes up around dating and relationships.

I offer 1:1 coaching packages and hope to launch a group program later this year. 

What makes your business or services unique?

What sets me apart from other coaches is that I focus on helping people get to the root of what is causing their dating and relationship troubles - which is old wounding from childhood that most aren’t even aware that they have.

Specifically, I focus on helping others become aware of and heal their Father Wound. And I do this through a spiritual perspective. Note that when I say spiritual I do not mean religious. I do not subscribe to nor do I teach any kind of religious dogma.

The great thing about a purely spiritual perspective is that it works within a client’s existing spiritual belief system. They don’t need to change that to take advantage of the work we do together. 

Having a functional website is an important aspect of running a business. How was the process for you to get your website up and running? For example: Did you create it on your own or did you hire a web designer? Which platform is your website hosted on?

I’m a former systems developer and business analyst. I was in the corporate world for 20 years so tech doesn’t scare me.

I created my own website in Wordpress. I use Elementor which makes it a lot easier. I also use Modern, which is an all in one type of tool (CRM, Email system, Funnel system, Calendar system, etc). Modern allows me to create the funnels and attach them to my website as if it was part of it; which is nice.

It may not be the prettiest website, but it’s functional and I can do pretty much anything I need to. Someday I’ll hire a proper designer when I have a more established client flow but for now, it’s fine. 

What resources are you finding helpful in your business right now?

Not sure what kind of resources are meant here but I have many. I’m in several marketing programs, a coach training program. I am constantly reading books on healing. Plus life is presenting me with opportunities to heal from which I gain insight and pass on to clients.

What is the one thing you wished you had known before starting your entrepreneurial journey?

That it was going to take far more time and financial resources than I thought to get consistent clients. This is year four for me.  

Turns out, I didn’t really need to quit my job to focus on this as I once thought was necessary. 

Tell us about a time when life threw you a serious curveball in your business and what you did to overcome that curveball?


Not one single thing has gone the way I wanted it to. Every launch thus far has been a failure. Every method I use to find clients eventually stops working or never really works. I’ve seriously thought about throwing in the towel many, many times.

The only thing that keeps me trying is knowing that this one thing is true: YOU EITHER GET THE RESULT YOU WANT OR THE LESSONS YOU NEED.

I’m no victim so I choose to learn, adapt and keep going. 

How have you grown personally from becoming an entrepreneur?

I’ve grown so much, yet I have so much more growth to do. I think my biggest lessons have been personal. Due to old trauma, I had a tendency to want to hide and not be seen. I also had a very independent streak and didn’t like to ask for help. I’m sure you can see how these two things would be super detrimental to running a business.


Being an entrepreneur has taught me how to get better at receiving as well. Not surprisingly, these are all things that most of the clients that come to me have trouble with as well. So as I get better and more comfortable with these things, I can more effectively help others do the same around relationships and love. 

What one misconception about the entrepreneurial journey would you like to clarify for us today?

The misconception that it ‘shouldn’t’ take so long to get established and become profitable. I had the expectation it would maybe take one to two years and I’ve seen many others have this as well. Ok, yea, some people are able to ‘make it’ in that timeframe, but the VAST majority will not.

Adjust your expectations and that will make it a lot easier on  yourself, trust me. There is no normal timeframe.


There’s so much growth that has to happen first and honestly, your timeframe will depend on how much growth you need and how fast you can do it. So your timeline is 100% personal and it doesn’t help to compare your timeline to someone else’s. It’s really like comparing apples to oranges. 

What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about starting their own business?

I would have them read my response to the above question first. Then I would tell them to be prepared to make multiple thousand-dollar investments into themselves and their business. If you aren’t willing to invest money, then be prepared for that timeline I mentioned above to get even longer. 

What are some fun facts you would like to share about yourself?

I have three wonderful kitties and a super supportive husband.

Jen’s coworkers

I am a cyclist. My husband and I ride 25 to 40 miles each time we go out.

My husband and I are pro-cycling fans and we got to go to France last summer to watch a few stages of the Tour de France (we got to ride some of the routes too).

I’m a former systems developer/analyst turned coach.

I got married on a beach in Maui at sunset.

I pissed off the goddess Pele by taking home a couple rocks from a beach in Kauai. Click here to read all about it on my blog post.

What is one thing you’re grateful for right now?

I’m most grateful for having a super supportive husband that believes in me and the work that I want to put out into the world. 

What are you looking forward to in the next month?

I’m looking forward to completing a PDF document that is a collaboration with 30-40 other healers. It’s going to be titled From Single to Soulmate: An essential guide to finding your dream relationship.

I can’t wait to share it with my audience. 


About the author:
Priscilla Hanley is the founder of Pristine Soul Healing LLC. She empowers women entrepreneurs by providing solutions to their business through strategic web design with Squarespace. She also serves the collective through 1:1 coaching and energy healing. Priscilla is the host of the Resiliency of the Human Spirit
Podcast which focuses on the power of resilience and healing in the human journey. Click here to connect with Priscilla.


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