Applying Foundational Wisdom Root Teachings To Help In Our Healing | With Margie Breault

So the ancient art of channeling is taking away that hierarchy and taking away all of the the power and control that might be in a lot of our teachings now and bringing it back down to that nature-based level.

And so, we work a lot with the original Oracle, which is the Earth. The Earth is the original Oracle, the 33 original Oracles. Then working with the Oracles of Delphi, working with those ancient goddesses and gods that held that power and that knowing and worked with that wisdom.

So we work with gods and goddesses across many religions. We work with angels, we work with Isis, we work with Buddha. We work with so many different beings and forms and formlessness. But when you’re working in that ancient art of channeling, you can really connect into and journey with anything.
— Margie Breault

Healing From Cancer Without Surgery, Radiation, or Chemotherapy | With Barbara Walsh


Why You Need To Find Your “Why” So You Can Change Your Life | With Lisa Schermerhorn