Why You Need To Find Your “Why” So You Can Change Your Life | With Lisa Schermerhorn

A lot of people with scarcity issues were raised in the fact money doesn’t grow on trees, so therefore they don’t attract it, or people with money are evil.

I remember doing a talk and I showed this photo of a giant mansion, and I asked everyone in the room to tell me about the people who lived in that mansion. ‘Oh, they hate each other. The kids hate them. They’re all on drugs. They can’t afford to keep the house.’

And then I asked everyone - ‘Who here wants to make a million dollars a year?’ - and they all raised their hands.

And I said, ‘How are you going to attract money if you think that people who live in this house are miserable?’
— Lisa Schermerhorn

Applying Foundational Wisdom Root Teachings To Help In Our Healing | With Margie Breault


Awaken To Your Amazing Potential | With Laura Ponticello