Healing From The Darkness Of Postpartum Depression | With Jolee Vacchi

I was in the ambulance on the way to the hospital with these two male EMTs, and I was literally hemorrhaging the entire time. And I would say to them, ‘Should you be doing something to stop this blood?’ They weren’t paying any attention to me. There was a more senior EMT and he was trying to teach the junior EMT how to use the computer software in the back of the ambulance.

I just felt so alone. I thought that I was going to die. I had come to that conclusion that I was not going to survive this and that my babies were going to grow up without a Mom. And it was just a profound sense of grief. I just remember sobbing and seeing my kids growing up throughout their life - going through school and getting married and me not being there with them for those special moments. And I was just devastated that I was going to miss out on all that.
— Jolee Vacchi

Rediscovering Your Sexuality and What It Means To You | With Girisha Andrea Steigler


Thriving in Life After Coma and Brain Damage | With Vicky Theunissen