Rediscovering Your Sexuality and What It Means To You | With Girisha Andrea Steigler

When I’m starting to work with someone - this is the first thing- because when we realize any traumas, violence or abuse, we lost the safety.

What I’m also experiencing that most of the time, we don’t know what safety means to us, safety in the body.

If I’m just asking our listeners that ‘What safety means to you?’ ‘How you can define yourself safety in your everyday life?’ ‘What gives you safety?’ And I have never received the answer that I’m safe in my body.

Usually we are putting safety outside - I have a family, I have home, I have a job, I have money, I have this and that, but mostly physical or personal and putting outside of ourselves. And we can connect - if we have it, we are okay. If we don’t have it, we are not okay.

And therefore we need to find some inner resource when we can connect and reconnect anytime. Whatever is happening in an outer world, we can reconnect inside.
— Girisha Andrea Steigler

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