Learning About Life Through My Learning Disability | With Michelle Steiner

A lot of people will tell me - when I tell them I have a learning disability - they say, ‘Well, you don’t look like you’re disabled.’

People can’t see my learning disability. They can start to see maybe some of my hand dexterity issues, or maybe I walk with my feet turned in due to another condition, but they can’t see that I can’t do math. So a lot of times people will see me and they’ll say, ‘Well, you don’t look like you’re disabled or you’re, you’re making it up.’

I’m indeed not. I mean, some disabilities are visible, others are not visible.

I also think that sometimes people think, ‘Well, you have a bachelor’s degree. You must have overcame your disability.’ And the truth is, I’m not going to overcome my disability. It’s a part of who I am in my life.
— Michelle Steiner

Letting Go Of My Secret So I Can Soar | With Kari Berridge


The Connection Between Childhood Trauma and Romantic Love | With Jennifer Youngquist