Navigating The Broken System Of Family Caregiving | With Christina Keys

I went to my last doctor’s appointment and they said to me, ‘Christina, your body is literally shutting down. You’ve got high blood pressure. Now you’ve gained almost a hundred pounds. You’ve got diabetes.’ I’m sleeping only like five to 10 hours a week at this point.

And they said, ‘You would be lucky to live six months.’ So now I’ve got this thing in front of me because my life had been completely depleted. I was completely bankrupt - emotionally, mentally, physically, financially, and spiritually.

My mother had a great career. She was an aerospace engineer with one of the top security clearances you can have.

I had a career in tech. I was making almost a hundred thousand dollars at the time. And still even with that - her pension, my money from my job, her savings, her 401k, my 401k - what we had to pay on top of insurance for her care for the things insurance didn’t pay for, we had gone through all of our life savings and well over I would say three hundred thousand dollars in less than a couple years.
— Christina Keys

Letting Go Of My Secret So I Can Soar | With Kari Berridge