Meet Channeler and Galactic Ambassador Dr. Lisa Thompson

“Be willing to learn from others and pivot when needed.”

Dr. Lisa Thompson


Okay, let’s get started on the interview!

Tell us who you are in 50 words or less.

I am a multiple best-selling author, Galactic Ambassador, and channeler specializing in Galactic Ascension Channeling and Parallel Life Regression.

I love teaching online classes and lead retreats in my home state of Hawaii. I also lead night sky watch UFO Tours on the Big Island of Hawaii.

How and why did you start your business?

This is the third business I have owned over the last 21 years. Eight years ago, I had a scientific hand analysis reading done where the information that came through was that I was meant to be a spiritual teacher and healer.

At the time, I had a successful interior design business, so I was surprised at the information. My body had head to toe chills, so I knew it to be true. It took another year for the right opportunity to cross my path, which was becoming an Advanced Certified Past Life Regression Therapist.

I started my business, Mystic Manta LLC in June 2017, while simultaneously running my other business, Design Smart, which I started in March 2009.

Over the years, I added on additional modalities and tools to become what it is now, trusting my intuition on what I wanted to evolve into next.

In early 2021, I released the design business to run Mystic Manta full-time without distraction.

What services do you offer in your business?

My signature service is my unique modality of Galactic Ascension Channeling, which is a type of regression and energy healing, which clears blockages and limitations. It involves regression, channeling energy from my higher dimensional extraterrestrial groups, light language, sound and more.

I also offer Parallel (Past) Life Regression sessions. I lead spiritual healing retreats and galactic connection retreats on the Big Island of Hawaii. I offer private retreats in person and VIP days in person and virtually.

I run a night sky watch UFO Tour on the Big Island as well. I offer online classes on various spiritual and galactic topics, including channeled messages and journeys.

I have several books I’ve written, and I’ve created nine different oracle card decks. I also have a lot of different fun merchandise on my websites related to my work.

Dr. Lisa leading her spiritual healing retreat in Hawaii.

What makes your business or services unique?

The Galactic Ascension Channeling was given to me by my higher dimensional extraterrestrials and is different than other energy healing modalities in how I incorporate different techniques with the channeling.

My UFO Tours are different than other tour operators that do similar work, as I have been an experiencer/contactee my entire life, channel 13 different galactic races, and share my unique perspective on the topic, as well as how they are related to Hawaii.

I have an eclectic background, including having a PhD in Evolutionary Biology/Marine Biology/Zoology and growing up in a spiritual school of enlightenment where I have a balance of science meeting the woo woo.

We use Gen 3 military night vision goggles during the Big Island UFO Tour.

Having a functional website is an important aspect of running a business. How was the process for you to get your website up and running? For example: Did you create it on your own or did you hire a web designer? Which platform is your website hosted on?

I have been designing websites since my first business that I started in 2003, so I have personally designed all of my websites for all of my businesses.

I have used various platforms, but my two current business sites ( and were created on for ease. I have modified the original templates to look like fully custom sites, rather than cookie cutter templates.

What resources are you finding helpful in your business right now?

The resources I use most extensively in my business include Streamyard for my podcast recording, Zoom for teaching classes and doing sessions with out-of-area clients, Canva for creating beautiful graphics for email marketing and social media marketing, and Podbean for distributing my podcast to all the podcast outlets at once. I also have mentors/coaches that help me grow my business and mindset.

What is the one thing you wished you had known before starting your entrepreneurial journey?


Having now started 3.5 different types of businesses in different industries, some businesses are easier to grow and market than others.

It may take a while for people to understand what you do and to be considered trustworthy.

Tell us about a time when life threw you a serious curveball in your business and what you did to overcome that curveball?

Choosing one curveball is challenging as there have been many to overcome. The most recent and traumatic was losing my husband to suicide last September. He was my support team for running my UFO Tours, as well as in life. I took a couple of months off from running the tour, so I could heal emotionally and figure out how I was going to keep the tour going and even if I wanted to.

I had a couple of different friends and my daughter who helped me when they could until I could find a consistent, reliable support person. It took several months to recuperate, but I now have the support I need and business has picked up again.


How have you grown personally from becoming an entrepreneur?

I have definitely grown from becoming an entrepreneur. I left my university tenure track Biology Professor position to jump into the unknown. I had no idea that it would lead to so many twists and turns, but it truly has expanded my life and all of the skills I have gained over the years.

I have learned to trust my intuition in which direction is next and what to let go of.

I have learned that I can create abundance from doing what I absolutely love, and supporting and being of service to others is rewarding beyond what words can say.

I have control over my destiny rather than being dictated to in time and income by a JOB.

What one misconception about the entrepreneurial journey would you like to clarify for us today?

Being an entrepreneur does not mean you will be “rich,” although of course you can grow wealth when you put the energy into it. Every industry is different and has its pros and cons.

Not everyone is meant to start and run a business. Hiring mentors and business coaches that have proven success in helping clients is one of the best ways to stay on track and grow.


What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about starting their own business?

My advice would be to really understand who you are and how much safety or cushion you need to feel secure in life. Are you willing to have uncertainty in your paychecks, or are you someone that really needs the steady income? If you need the income, I would ease into the business and keep your day job. At some point, you may be able to release the job to be in the business full-time.

You may also realize that entrepreneurship is not for you. There is no right or wrong in this. If you go all in from the beginning, make sure you have enough money and resources to launch your business successfully and to have a cushion while the income is growing. You may not be able to pay yourself for a while.


What are some fun facts you would like to share about yourself?

I went into my first career as a Marine Biologist/Zoologist because I was obsessed with animals growing up. I didn’t get into it to teach or even do research. I just wanted to know about the animals, which is probably why being a professor wasn’t a good fit for the long run.

My first business was in the mortgage industry where my first husband and I were teaching people how to pay off their mortgages in record time using a system from Australia. When that business closed down due to our divorce, I had the opportunity to follow my passion of art and design.

I owned my Interior Design/Home Staging business for 12 years until I moved to Hawaii and wanted to be fully immersed in my spiritual business.


I am trained in Human Design and used to teach classes on the topic. I am also certified in Sound Healing.

I absolutely love traveling the world and have been to every continent except Antarctica.

During the tour, Dr. Lisa educates her visitors various aspects of UFOs and ET races.

What is one thing you’re grateful for right now?

I am grateful for the resilience I have in this life. I have been through four careers, three husbands and have two teenage children. No matter what life has thrown at me, I have always come out of it even stronger than before with much more wisdom to share with others.

I am now in my 52nd year of life, and I am creating my next 50 years as if it’s a blank canvas. I have a beautiful life now and ahead.

What are you looking forward to in the next month?

In the next month, I will be finalizing the logistics of my brand new certification program on Galactic Ascension Channeling.

Whether someone already has a healing business or wants to start one, I am offering different packages to fully support those that are ready to heal themselves at lightning speed and then share that gift with others as a service.

The certification program will officially be taught in February in an online space. For those that desire business support after the certification, I am offering and upgraded package of 6 months of group coaching to ensure success.


About the author:
Priscilla Hanley is the founder of Pristine Soul Healing LLC. She empowers women entrepreneurs by providing solutions to their business through strategic web design with Squarespace. She also serves the collective through 1:1 coaching and energy healing. Priscilla is the host of the Resiliency of the Human Spirit
Podcast which focuses on the power of resilience and healing in the human journey. Click here to connect with Priscilla.


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