Awaken To Your Amazing Potential | With Laura Ponticello

So self-empowerment for me is living from a frequency of love. So self-empowerment, if you had an equation, it would equal self-love.

In other words, we’re loving ourselves enough that we’re permitting ourselves to live our life from an empowered standpoint. And what happens is that old narratives that aren’t our fault, they are either wounds or childhood experiences or potential traumas in our life, have caused us to replay a narrative that’s not really authentically our truth.

We are all worthy of love. So self-empowerment is that inner knowledge that not only are we worthy of love, the most powerful gift we can give ourselves and the world is saying ‘yes’ to Spirit coming through us in essence. I say that because all of us are love.

So self-empowerment equals self-love because we were birthed to be loved. We are love. And the more we can say to ourselves, ‘I am worthy of love’, the more empowered we are and passionate about our purpose, and the universe just starts lining up a lot of miracles.
— Laura Ponticello

Why You Need To Find Your “Why” So You Can Change Your Life | With Lisa Schermerhorn


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