Healing The Inner Wounds of Domestic Violence | With LaToya Zavala

One day, it was a Sunday. He had taken the car. We lived in Massachusetts. He had taken the car and went down to the Cape and without telling me. I woke up and his best friend had called me and told me where he was and what he was doing.

And it was a normal day, it was a normal occurrence. I heard, it wasn’t an audible voice, but I heard like an echoing presence voice that just came in and just permeated my being. I understood the power of this voice. And for me, that was Spirit. And I heard Spirit say so resounding within me - ‘It’s time’. And only those two words and nothing else.

And I didn’t need anything else. My whole being knew and understood what that meant. It was time for me to go.
— LaToya Zavala

Awaken To Your Amazing Potential | With Laura Ponticello


Overcoming Fear of Change, Overwhelm, and Imposter Syndrome | With Emma O’Brien