Finding Courage Through Cancer and Survivor’s Guilt | With Casey Head

What I did to really shift that narrative inside of me - and I invite this to anyone who has survivor’s guilt of any kind - is... I don’t know why I survived. I really don’t. Inherently, the universe had a plan. But I am going to make the most of the time that I have and live the best life that I can in honor of those that would do anything - and I mean anything - to be in the position that I’m in for one more breath of life, for one more day with family and friends.

So I do not take this for granted and that has shifted my narrative to push me past comfort zones too. But that’s how I honor the lives that don’t make it. I’m going to live in honor of them, for them, because they would want that. I would want someone to do that.
— Casey Head

Journeying Through Science, Religion, Spirituality, And E.T. Contact | With Roger Morimoto


Loving My Child Through Mental Illness And Addiction | With Debbie Gail Zane