Loving My Child Through Mental Illness And Addiction | With Debbie Gail Zane

It was the day after Thanksgiving in the U.S. and he came to me that Friday evening and told me that he had thoughts of killing himself and he even described exactly how he planned to do it and he admitted that he had even attempted suicide a few times as well. And as a Mom, that was really, really difficult for me to hear.

But I knew that he came to me because he trusted me and that he had something to say. So even though inside I felt like screaming, I stayed calm so that I could listen and hear what he was saying. Fortunately, we had a really good doctor that was on call that whole weekend and she called us back and she made arrangements with the hospital to speak with him and the psychiatric unit. They called us - they had a lengthy conversation with him and they had me bring him in in the morning and that was the beginning of a really huge change in our lives.
— Debbie Gail Zane

Finding Courage Through Cancer and Survivor’s Guilt | With Casey Head


Releasing People Pleasing And Setting Healthy Boundaries In Life | With Jocelyne Bilodeau