Journeying Through Science, Religion, Spirituality, And E.T. Contact | With Roger Morimoto

The physical realm, the universe, as we know it, or as we think we know it, is like a house and everyone lives in this house. It’s a huge house.

Recently I went to South Korea. So that’s like going to another room in that house. They speak a different language. The culture is different and everything. There’s so many places in the house that I haven’t been. But most people in the house believe that that’s all there is - just the inside of the house.

But really, what I think is the nature of reality is we’re realizing there’s an outside and that outside is not only outside, but it’s huge. It’s so much bigger than even the house, regardless, despite how big the house is.

And some people kind of look through the window or they’re able to scrape through and could sort of see some haziness, like “Yeah, there’s more here.”

And some people actually could astral travel out into that realm and come back. Some people are clairaudient and they hear things. I know there’s an ‘out there’ because it’s speaking to me. Some see it, there’s some who feel it.

I really think that’s what I’m trying to do is just trying to encourage people to just look outside.
— Roger Morimoto

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