Releasing People Pleasing And Setting Healthy Boundaries In Life | With Jocelyne Bilodeau

The healing journey for me was the realization and the awakening of how much I was contributing to everything that was going on.

I was living my life at ‘effect’, what we call ‘effect’. Blaming everything and everything around me. So if work would ask me to stay late, I would say yes, but it was their fault. Like that type of thing ‘Well, they’re making me stay’. Well, I had a choice. I said yes. At the end of the day, I still had a choice.

But I was living in that mode of ‘Oh my God, you didn’t do this or you did that.’ Like it was always about what the other person wasn’t doing, and not seeing how I was contributing to it. And I was giving my power away to the situations and to life and to circumstances instead of owning my own decisions.
— Jocelyne Bilodeau

Loving My Child Through Mental Illness And Addiction | With Debbie Gail Zane


How Grief Led Me To Mediumship, Channeling, And The Akashic Records | With Nancy Shapiro