The Science And Quantum Physics of Sound Therapy | With Barb McIntosh

Western medications just kind of cover up the symptoms or try to deal with the symptoms. It doesn’t ever get to the root cause.

The shamans of old and in various different countries always healed energetically and frequency-wise. So they would drum, they would rattle, they would chant. Those are all sounds and methods of sound healing.

But if you’re kind of down in the dumps or if you want to kind of up your energy - if you hum with your lips closed, what that does is it creates a sound chamber in your nasal passages and in your mouth inside your body. That produces nitric oxide, which then does all kinds of things. It sends messages to your vagus nerve and that to switch your body from sympathetic mode, which is the fear or flight, over to parasympathetic.
— Barb McIntosh

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