No one has ever become poor by giving.

-Anne Frank

Donate to help support the mission of the Resiliency of the Human Spirit Podcast

A group of people with their palms facing out and their palms are painted in red paint showing a heart shape people are happy to be part of a community

I launched my podcast in January 2024 because I felt the call to step up and share my voice and to collaborate with soul-aligned people so that together through my podcast, we can provide information, wisdom, tools, and resources to help heal and empower the collective. There are many people in our collective who are struggling mentally or emotionally at this time.

While this mission is a labor of love for me and I happily offer the content and resources for free; however, it is important to acknowledge that the weekly production of both the audio and video content involves significant time and expenses.

I immensely appreciate your kindness and support for the Resiliency of the Human Spirit Podcast by donating a small amount to ensure that the mission continues in the healing and empowerment of our collective.

I thank you for your kindness and support in helping me to continue to share inspirational messages of hope for our collective’s healing and empowerment.

In Love and Light,
Priscilla Hanley