Make a choice to turn your wounds into wisdom.

A woman with blond hair dressed in a white sweater and blue jeans and white sock sitting on a lounge chair by the window and deep in thought and staring out the window

Have you…

Ever felt like your whole world is crumbling right before your eyes because you were hurt by a significant other and you can’t forgive them for hurting you?

Ever done something in your life that you’re not proud of and can’t find your way out of the guilt you’re feeling because you can’t forgive yourself?

A woman with dark brown hair dressed in a blue top and brown pants seated by a black table with books on the table she is writing in her journal about her thoughts for the day

Here’s the good news…

There is a way out of the emotional rut you’re feeling.

I found my way out of an unhappy marriage; a marriage that broke my spirit for a long time. If I could find my way back “home”, you can too. I will be beside you, as your guide, every step of the way.

When you choose to work with me, you will receive the guidance and accountability you need to help you let go of toxic emotions and limiting thought patterns so you can get to where you desire to be in life.

We will work together to help you find and reconnect with your Authentic Self so you can fully embody empowered living.

The Forgive and Thrive Program

The Forgive and Thrive one-on-one coaching program is designed to help you make the quantum leap forward by stepping into your full power and personal freedom by:

  • Letting go of what no longer serves you

  • Reframing your mindset

  • Setting and maintaining healthy boundaries

  • Forgiving yourself and others

  • Allowing what is without angst or judgment

  • Moving you from a state of internal disharmony to one of inner peace and gratitude

A woman with long brown hair dressed in a long printed brown dress standing in a field of yellow flowers and smiling at the camera she is feeling peaceful and joyful a hill is behind her

Our virtual coaching sessions provide you with a personalized framework as well as a safe and sacred space for you to share what has held you back emotionally, energetically, and spiritually.

There is no judgment in our space.

We will help you apply the necessary tools to help you unbind from the shackles of limiting thoughts, beliefs, and emotions.

You will learn to embody the greatest version of yourself through learning how to forgive yourself or the people in your life.

In addition to receiving coaching support, we will also focus on healing your energetic system.

Both the physical and energetic aspects go hand-in-hand to achieve a multi-faceted healing.

We can learn much from the caterpillar as it surrenders its original state and bravely agrees to the process of change.

As the caterpillar undergoes its metamorphic process to emerge into a beautiful butterfly, so too, you will.

Signature Process

Discovery Call

During the discovery call phase, we will talk and get to know each other better. We will discuss your goals, where you feel you are currently at in life, and where you would like to be. We will hone in on the clarity you need to achieve your goals.


We will meet to set up your action plan, provide accountability and honest feedback. We will clarify any questions you may have. Most importantly, we will celebrate you and your personal accomplishments. We will empower you in your journey towards transformation.


In addition to the coaching support you receive, we will also focus on your energetics. This is an important aspect of the coaching process as it helps to facilitate healing on a holistic and multi-faceted level.

60-minute coaching with 10% discount on energy healing


An affordable 1:1 coaching session to give you the support and resources you need to help you get unstuck in life.

This session qualifies you to receive a 10% discount on either one 30-minute distance Reiki healing session or one 30-minute distance light body activation session.

90-minute coaching with free channeled light language healing


A 1:1 coaching session which will provide you with the support and the clarity you need to help you move forward and release what is no longer serving you.

This session includes a free 15-minute channeled light language healing session to help you shift stagnant energy from your field.

4-week coaching with free Reiki and channeled light language healing


You will receive one 60-minute coaching session each week for four weeks. There will be in-between support via email or text.

Upon completion of the four coaching weeks, you will receive one free 30-minute distance Reiki healing session as well as one free 15-minute channeled light language healing session.