Are you…

Currently feeling unhappy because you are hurting from a relationship that is not working for your highest good?

Feeling like there is more to life than feeling sad, angry, or depressed every day? 

Ready to let go of the emotional triggers in your life that get you down?

If you are a woman who is:

  • Currently having relationship isssues with your partner or spouse;

  • In a narcissistic abusive relationship;

  • Going through a divorce or separation;

  • Having conflict or tension with your parent, child, a family member or a close friend;

  • Seeking a way to heal yourself or to feel better;

Then this healing session is for you.

To help you release emotions that no longer serve you, we will tap into the healing power from a variety of different energy healing modalities.

By the end of this 30-minute healing session, you will feel energetically refreshed and revitalized.

Take your first step towards loving and healing yourself.

You deserve it.

Set yourself free and be transformed just like the butterfly.

A beautiful colorful butterfly with red black and gold wings flying above a yellow flower the butterfly represents transformation